New Delhi— Shiromani Akali Dal Delhi chief, Manjit Singh GK, met with BJP President Amit Shah and reiterated SAD’s demand for a SIT probe into the 1984 Anti-Sikh Pogroms. Manjit Singh GK along with a delegation from SAD Delhi asked for a Supreme Court monitored probe by the SIT. In addition to the probe, the Sikhs demanded action on the FIRs filed in relation to the 1984 pogroms. Shah reassured the delegation that he would call a meeting with Sikh leaders to discuss these and other issues the Sikh community faces.
The previous successive Congress governments have been ineffective in bringing any of the culprits of the 1984 pogroms to justice. This, in the views of many, is largely due to Congress’ complicity in the pogroms.
Isn’t this probe number 11 being called upon by the same people that continue to refuse an international enquiry on the 30th anniversary of the genocide?