In a statement issued by party’s media secretary, Advocate Jaspal Singh Manjhpur and Bhai Harpal Singh Cheema said, ” The Brahmnical and authoritarian polity of India is going through [the motions of] electoral politics in order to give the impression of democracy before world. This is nothing but a fraud with the people.
Two main Brahmnical political parties are the puppets of capitalist families, and the leaders of minorities, like Dalits, and the backward classes who have accepted the dominance of a Brahmnical state, and have killed the chances for real representatives of the people to be elected. To maintain the slavery of common people, only those parties exist on political scene which are backed by the Brahmnical state”, he said, adding, “The real face of the electoral process is like a mist prevailing as a result of contradictions, hopelessness, and communal anarchy for people. In this situation, issues of the welfare of Mankind have been replaced with baseless issues, and debates on characterless persons.”
He opined that such a poor situation leaves the ordinary man non-spiritual, mentally enslaved and physically ill, and that civilization has to face a polluted environment, and an unjust massacre of minorities.
Mandhir Singh, General Secretary of the party, said, “For the past six decades, the Indian polity have been damaging the identities of different, separate nationalities residing here, in order to build single Indian nation by using the weapons of secularism [to compromise the] integrity of the country.”
He said that the parliament election of 2014 contained great importance as the majority community of India has fully adopted the agenda of Rashtrya Swaym Sewak Sangh (RSS), Hindu nationalism, and the leftist Indian Nationalism agenda of Congress. In such circumstances, repression of minorities was likely to be intensified more than before.
“National issues of Sikhs cannot be resolved in this Brahmnical state because the entire structure of this state does not recognize the separate identities of different nationalities living in this region”, he added.
Party Secretary General Amrik Singh Isru stated, “Some sincere circles say that partial relief can be enjoyed in this electoral politics, but it could be possible only if Sikh organizations work with Panthik traditions, and Sikh leaders love their Guru in the real sense. Presently, however, the condition of these organizations is not idealistic. So, the Indian state is exploiting this condition against Panthik interests”.
He added, “A more important point is that after witnessing countless martyrdoms of Sikhs in the genoiced of June 1984, November 1984 and its aftermath, the sole aim of the Panth spirit is to achieve Khalistan, rather than partial relief. So, all those persons and organizations which back the struggling nations in India whose demands to be freed and who are struggling for independent homelands, should not become the part of the huge fraud of the Brahmnical authoritarian polity.”