British Sikh MP Urges Others to Stop Politicising 1984

Paul Uppal MP comments to Andrew Lansley on 1984 16 Jan 2014
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Paul Uppal (Wolverhampton South West) (Con):
As the only Sikh Member of the House of Commons, and as a Sikh who was 16 when the attack on the Golden Temple happened, I would like to advise Hon. Members that, 30 years after that event, what Sikhs actually want is an end of rumour, suspicion and speculation. What they all want is the truth, and I ask all Members of this House to avoid politicising this because it is much more important than that.

Mr Lansley:
I completely agree with my Hon. Friend, and I hope that Members throughout the House will take on board and follow his prescription in relation to the events in Amritsar. He is quite right to say that the truth needs to be established.



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