1) Harrasing and attacking Sikhs for no reason
2) Harrasing and attacking innocent women without cause
3) Harrasing and attacking everyone for fun?!
4) Even animals aren’t safe…
5) Sleeping on the job like a BOSS!
6) Being drunk on the job like a BOSS!
7) Expanding their beer bellies to perfection
8) umm…. whatever this is.
9) umm… part two.
10) That wasn’t me…
The kicker: Shooting people and then planting guns on them.
this full things right and true
Yes, Pictures are real and with our support, by our relatives and our forgiveness. We promote dirty police staff and officers in Sikh community, nominate, elect above stated corrupted policemen as president of Sikh temples in North America, Amritdhari cover their ass. If knowledgeable Sikh complaint or comment Amritdharis/Khalsa run punjabi radio station bark like street dogs to confuse listener and suppress the issues.
Who is wrong Amritdhari or policemen?
Answer: Amritdharies and Khalsa.
Who Support Amritdharies and khalsa?
Answer: Taxi Driver, Truck drivers, Tabacco and Drug smugglers who get protection from Amritdharies and Khalsa under the umbrella of religion in North America.
Who are Amritdharies?
Answer: Guru Nanak Dev Ji stated “SAJJAN THUGS”
Please find out root cause and address the real issue. As per my 50 years study, only Amritdharies are root cause of all Sikh Religion and Sikh Communities problem, bullying, fighting, disrespect, insult, degradation and denied justice either during British rule or after India’s independence. Amritdhari Master Tara Singh was bribed by Nehru; who suppressed the Sikh generations.