:dateline:The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has written to the Conseil Repr�sentatif�des Sikhs de France on the recent decision of the Indian Supreme Court to�not [commute] the death penalty of Prof. Davinderpal Singh Bhullar.
The French government said they started a campaign for�the universal abolition of the death penalty on October 9, 2012. France supported the�adoption of the resolution in December 2012 of the General Assembly�calling for the establishment of a universal moratorium on the death�penalty.
The French government said that it had expressed opposition during the�recent hanging of Afzal Guru and Ajmal Kasab in India.
The correspondence by the Government stated that, the recent “refusal of the Indian Supreme Court to�commute�the death sentence of�Prof. Davinderpal Singh Bhullar has retained all (their) attention. �France and its European partners regularly reiterate this position to the�Indian authorities,�particularly�in the context of the dialogue between the�EU and India on human rights”.
The Conseil Repr�sentatif des Sikhs de France thanks all the French Sikhs�and Gurdwara Singh Sabha France who supported the Paris Rally for�Prof. Davinderpal Singh Bhullar on Sunday 21th April 2013, which helped to�raise awareness of this issue to French Population.
Copy of the memo in French is available here.