US Sikhs Ask Punjab CM To Stay Away from Wisconsin

:dateline:As a token of opposition to Punjab chief Minister Parkash Badal�s proposed visit to Gurudwara Sahib in Wisconsin, USA hashtag�#stayhomebadal�(last accessed on August 08, 2012 at 11:29 IST) is trending fast on Twitter. It is notable that the Gurudwara Sahib in Wisconsin witnessed bloodshed a few days back as a neo-Nazi white supremacist opened gunfire in the Gurudwara sahib. Six Sikhs were killed in this incident.

As reported by, Punjab CM Parkash Singh Badal was scheduled to visit this Gurudwara Sahib to attend a wedding ceremony. It is notable that Badal Dal leaders enjoy only marginal support among Sikhs living in�Western�countries.� Parkash Singh Badal, present CM of Punjab is considered to be a �traitor� of the Sikh nation by large sections of the Sikh diaspora.

On[twitter], posts with hashtag #stayhomebadal reveal that Badals do not have any positive image among nextgen Young Sikhs.

A user on Twitter was seen reported: �#stayhomebadal the people of Wisconsin don�t need u. just look after your casino there�s more bars than schools Badal in Punjab. What hve u done.�

Accusing Badal for Human rights violations, NGO Sikhs for Justice, tweeted: �The Sikh nation questions the sincerity of Parkash Badal, the man who (got) tortured & murdered countless Sikhs in Punjab #stayhomebadal�.

Some of the other Tweets in opposition to Badal’s travel include:

�Putting on an act for the American media does not erase all the human rights violations in Punjab #stayhomebadal�

�#Wisconsin police take bullets to protect innocents, Punjab police fire bullets at innocents. #StayHomeBadal�

�Diff. between Obama�s country and Badal�s kingdom- US police take bullets to protect innocents, Punjab police fire at innocents. #StayHomeBadal�


  1. Saddest thing “Indian Sikh” is your name itself is at conflict. There is no humane place in India for Sikhs, least of all the Punjab. In my experience, people like yourself are so out of touch, dictated and brainwashed by punjabi governments media channels, u do not know what goes on in your own State. Get in touch. Murders arent going to happen after someone sends you a telegram. There is constant news online and in non Indian owned media, and footage is all real life, if not go on twitter, u tube, you ll find no end of atrocities. Deluded.

    • But Wisconsin singhs like badals.Come on Sikh24 , wake up.
      The indian sikhs love india and are real lion.These jackals left when there was a problem and now when we are living peacefully they are jealous of indian sikhs and make up stories like sikhs under threat ,etc.

  2. Well Who is then the popular elected sikh leader.He is elected by people of punjab .Anyway none of the leaders are honest .

    Don’t expect a lot from Obama or US government.The intelligence agencies always have free hand and as far as all of us know – the shooter activities were under investigation but still he was allowed to buy guns and roam freely to carry out the killings.The intelligent persons need only signal to understand the mood of US government/agencies.


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