CHANDIGARH, Punjab—Bhai Pal (Pala) Singh, a French national who has been detailed illegally since July 2010 is now being linked to the RDX explosives recovery made recently in Haryana. The Punjab Police, who arrested Bhai Pal Singh last year, are alleging that the 5 kilograms of RDX that was seized in Ambala, Haryana was part of the consignment of explosives handed over to Bhai Pal Singh and his associates.
The Times of India has reported that it allegedly learned from a “top intelligence official” that the Punjab and Delhi police were working hard to trace the 20 kilograms of RDX supposedly with the Babbar Khalsa organization since 2010. Just a few days ago, the Haryana and Delhi Police claimed to have seized an unmanned car in Ambala loaded with explosives. Although they failed to provide ownership information of the vehicle or make any arrests in relation to the case, the police were swift to put the blame on the usual scapegoat, the Babbar Khalsa. Interesting, it was alleged and “proven” that the car originated from Lakhkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) in Jammu & Kashmir, however now it’s being asserted that at one time Bhai Pal Singh had possession of these explosives.
In July of last year, after the arrest of Bhai Pal Singh, it was announced by the Punjab Police that he was working to recruit men from various Punjab villages to carry out so-called terrorist activities. Bhai Pal Singh was arrested on hearsay without any proof of his involvement in criminal or terrorist activities.
Illegal Detainment of Bhai Pal Singh
Bhai Pal Singh, known widely for his humanitarian work, had gone to Punjab on an aide based mission. He was working very hard to help bring awareness against drugs, the caste system, female feticide, and other issues throughout the State of Punjab. He had organized various camps and seminars throughout schools and villages in Punjab .
Bhai Pal Singh is lodged in judicial custody in Amritsar Sahib and is yet to receive a fair court trial despite him being held for over one year. The Punjab Police have received wide criticism from organizations working to free Bhai Pal Singh for purposely working to ensure that he is not able to attend court hearings. Details of his arrests have been presented with clear discrepancies in addition to his arrest being made without a court order. It has been reported by relatives of Bhai Pal Singh that he has received severe torture at the hands of the Punjab Police. Bhai Pal Singh’s arrest is documented to have taken place on July 26th, a day before the Times of India reported his disappearance.
For more information on Bhai Pal Singh’s illegal detainment, please visit:
Wahegurujio…rakha Ek Hamara Suami, sagal ghata ka Antarjami…Una di sobha jug jug hoi jo Gurujio Pavitr Charna…Bhai Pal Singhjio…Satchey Patshah Bhaijio nu Naam Dhan atey Chardhi Kala vich rakhey Pyareyjio!
Waheguru Santah da paij rakda!