Gurbani Word Of The Day: aag

ਆਗਿ (aag)
Meaning: noun: Fire.

ਆਪੁ ਗਏ ਅਉਰਨ ਹੂ ਖੋਵਹਿ॥ ਆਗਿ ਲਗਾਇ ਮੰਦਰ ਮੈ ਸੋਵਹਿ॥
aap ga-e auran hoo khovahi. aag lagaai maňdar mai sovahi.
There are those who themselves are lost, and mislead others as well. They are like those who set their house on fire, and then fall asleep within it. – Bhagat Kabir, Guru Granth Sahib, 332

Message: The verse refers to the fate of people who themselves have gone astray, and those who come in contact with them are misled too. These people actually sow the seeds of their own destruction by harming others and themselves. They don’t even notice their own houses and lives which are on fire.

Their body is burning with worldly desires, envy, anger and greed. In the midst of such evil urges, they lose their peace. They are so ignorant that they don’t even know that their suffering is on account of their own evil deeds. They end up losing everything in life.  Moreover, they mislead others on this path. 

Avoid company that destroys oneself and others and learn to manage them well. Through the Guru’s teachings, hold your mind steady, and in this way, enjoy being in higher awareness. Continue working towards self-improvement and making your existence fruitful and worthy to society.

Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom – Buddha

Etymology: From Sanskrit agni (fire) → Pali aggi → Prakrit aggi → Sindhi/Old Bengali/Oriya aagi, Hindi aag, and Punjabi agg.


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